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Company Profile
Company name
BS Property Management Co., Ltd.
(English notation: BS Property Management Inc.)
Yasuo Oniki
March 28, 2007
Paid-in capital
100 million yen
Head office address
3/F Kitazawa Bldg., 2-5 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0051, Japan
Main business
Business related to real estate operation and management (property management)
Buying, selling, exchanging, leasing, and brokering real estate, and managing real estate
Planning, design and management of various construction works related to land and buildings
Registered licenses
Building lots and buildings transaction business license: Governor of Tokyo (4) No. 87730
First-class architect office registration: Governor of Tokyo No. 57245
Rental housing manager: Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (01) No. 007805
Certified licesnses
Real estate broker
Mansion manager
Administrative affairs chief
Rental real estate business manager
Fire prevention object inspection qualified person / fire prevention manager
Building Environmental Hygiene Management Engineer
First-class architect (existing housing condition survey engineer)
First-class plumbing construction management engineer
The Society of Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan
Waste manager
March 2007
June 2007
July 2011
August 2011
April 2013
August 2022
Establishment of the company in Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo.
Registered as a real estate broker operator.
Relocated in Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
Registered as a first-grade architect office.
Relocated in Kanda-Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Registered as a rental housing management company.